(559) 328-5999


Make a Payment

Make a Payment

$ 0.00
Payment + $10 Service Fee
I understand that any payment made through this website does not constitute a binding agreement or change to my policy or coverages. If my payment made on this website was less than the required amount, I understand and agree it will not be processed and will be pending until I make a payment for the missing difference (Premium / Insurance Fees) with which I may be without insurance coverage. I agree that any payment processed by this website includes a flat fee of $10.00 for Online Payment Processing, which adds up to my payment requested by the insurance company and is shown to my final total debited to my card. I understand that payment to the policy is not effective or binding until I, or any party involved, receives official notice from my insurance agent or insurance company confirming payment as processed. If the payment is posted after 4:00 pm (PST) Monday through Friday, it will be processed on the next business day. If the payment is posted after Saturday 4:00 pm (PST) including Sundays and/or holidays it will be processed until the following Monday or next non-holiday business day. Your security is important to us. We do not store your credit card information. Online payments are passed via a secure socket layer to a payment processor where your information is tokenized (whereby a random number is generated to represent your payment). The payment processor is PCI compliant which ensures that your information is being handled in accordance with industry security standards.